[J29] B. Balasingam and P. Kumar, "Battery Fuel Gauge -- A Crucial Element in Battery Management Systems," IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Magazine (invited paper, under review), June 2021.
[J28] M. A. Ghadi, B. Balasingam, K. Pattipati, and B. Shahrrava, "Performance analysis and improvement of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy for the estimation of battery parameters," IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification (under review), May 2021.
[J27] P. Pillai, B. Balasingam, C. Lee, Y. H. Kim, and F. Biondi, "Eye-gaze metrics for cognitive load detection on a driving simulator," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (under review), May 2021.
[J26] P. Pillai, B. Balasingam, M. Ahmed, and F. Biondi, "Model-based classification of mental workload in drivers using pupil size measurements," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles (under review), March 2021.
[J25] K. Movassagh, A. Raihan, B. Balasingam, and K. R. Pattipati, "A critical look at Coulomb counting method for state of charge estimation in rechargeable batteries," Energies (in press), July 2021.
[J24] X. Sun and B. Balasingam, "Reading line classification using eye-trackers," IEEE Transactions in Instrumentation and Measurements (in press), June 2021.
[J23] M. Ahmed, B. Balasingam, and K. R. Pattipati, "Experimental data on open circuit voltage characterization for Li-ion batteries," Data in Brief, May 2021.
[J22] B. Balasingam and K. R. Pattipati, "On the identification of electrical equivalent circuit models based on noisy measurements," IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (in press), March 2021.
[J21] F. Biondi and B. Balasingam, "Human factors of automated driving systems: A compendium of lessons learned," International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics (in press), Dec. 2020.
[J20] P. Pillai, P. Ayare, B. Balasingam, K. Milne, and F. Biondi, "Response time and eye-tracking datasets for activities demanding varying cognitive load," Data in Brief, Oct. 2020.
[J19] B. Balasingam, M. Ahmed and K. R. Pattipati, "Battery management systems: Challenges and some solutions," Energies, special issue on Electric Systems for Transportation, May 2020.
[J18] S. M. R. Islam, S. Y. Park, and B. Balasingam, "Unification of internal resistance estimation methods for Li-Ion batteries using hysteresis-free equivalent circuit models," Batteries, May 2020.
[J17] F. Biondi, B. Balasingam, and P. Ayare, "On the cost of Detection Response Task performance on cognitive load," Human Factors, May 2020.
[J16] M. Ahmed, S. A. Raihan and B. Balasingam, "A scaling approach for improved state of charge representation in Li-ion batteries," Applied Energy, Jan. 2020.
[J15] S. Bottos and B. Balasingam, "Tracking the progression of reading using eye-gaze point measurements and hidden Markov models," IEEE Transactions in Instrumentation and Measurements, Jan. 2020.
[J14] B. Balasingam and K. R. Pattipati, "Elements of a robust battery management system," IEEE Electrification Magazine, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 34-37, Sept. 2018.
[J13] Q. Liu, P. Willett and Y. Bar-Shalom, and B. Balasingam, "Measurement extraction for a target from an optical sensor," IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 54, No. 6, pp. 2735-2745, Dec. 2018.
[J12] D. F. M. Ayala, B. Balasingam, S. McComb, and K. R. Pattipati, "Markov modelling and analysis of team communication," IEEE Transactions Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, Vol. 50, No. 4, pp. 1230-1241, April 2020.
[J11] D. Pasupuleti, P. Mannaru, B. Balasingam , M. Baum, K. R. Pattipati, P. Willett, C. Lintz, G. Commeau, F. Dorigo, and J. Fahrny, "Cognitive video streaming," Journal of Advances in Information Fusion, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 41-57, June 2017.
[J10] A. Abdollahi, X. Han, N. Raghunathan, B. Balasingam, K. R. Pattipati, and Y. Bar-Shalom, "Optimal charging for general equivalent electrical battery model, and battery life management," Journal of Energy Storage, 9: 47-58, Feb. 2017.
[J9] A. Abdollahi, X. Han, G. V. Avvari, N. Raghunathan, B. Balasingam , K. R. Pattipati, and Y. Bar-Shalom. "Optimal battery charging, part I: Minimizing time-to-charge, energy loss, and temperature rise for OCV-resistance battery model," Journal of Power Sources, 303:388-398, Jan. 2016.
[J8] G. V. Avvari, B. Pattipati, B. Balasingam and Y. Bar-Shalom, "Experimental set-up and procedures to test and validate battery fuel gauge algorithms," Applied Energy, 160:404-418, Dec. 2015.
[J7] B. Balasingam , G. V. Avvari, K. Pattipati, and Y. Bar-Shalom, "Performance analysis results of a battery fuel gauge algorithm at multiple temperature," Journal of Power Sources, 273:742-753, Jan. 2015.
[J6] G. V. Avvari, B. Balasingam , K. Pattipati, and Y. Bar-Shalom, "A battery chemistry-adaptive fuel gauge using probabilistic data association," Journal of Power Sources, 273:185-195, Jan. 2015.
[J5] B. Balasingam , G. V. Avvari, B. Pattipati, K. R. Pattipati, and Y. Bar-Shalom. "A robust approach to battery fuel gauging, part II: Real time capacity estimation," Journal of Power Sources, 269:949-961, Dec. 2014.
[J4] B. Balasingam , G. V. Avvari, B. Pattipati, K. R. Pattipati, and Y. Bar-Shalom, "A robust approach to battery fuel gauging, part I: Real time parameter estimation," Journal of Power Sources, 272:1142-1153, Dec. 2014.
[J3] B. Pattipati, B. Balasingam , G. V. Avvari, K. Pattipati, and Y. Bar-Shalom, "Open circuit voltage characterization of lithium-ion batteries," Journal of Power Sources, 269:317-333, Dec. 2014.
[J2] S. Choi, B. Balasingam, and P. Willett, "Testing under communication constraints," Journal of Advances in Information Fusion, 8(2):143-155, Dec. 2013.
[J1] B. Balasingam , S. Shahbazpanahi, and T. Kirubarajan, "Joint MIMO channel tracking and symbol decoding using Kalman filtering," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 55(12):5873-5879, Dec. 2007.